lcscmd - help!
admittedly, i'm posting this for my own reasons. want to have a place i can reference whenever i need to know the lcscmd.exe feature set. if you try to look at help, it's fairly daunting.
LcsCmd.exe /? LcsCmd.exe /batch:{input file} [/l:{log file}] LcsCmd.exe /forest[:{FQDN} /action:{action name} [Parameter 1] ... [Parameter N] LcsCmd.exe /domain[:{FQDN}] /action:{action name} [Parameter 1] ... [Parameter N] LcsCmd.exe /server[:{FQDN}] /action:{action name} [Parameter 1] ... [Parameter N]EXAMPLES:
LcsCmd.exe /batch:MyBatch.xml LcsCmd.exe /forest /action:CheckForestPrepState /l:c:\LcsCmd.html LcsCmd.exe /domain /action:CheckDomainPrepState /l:c:\LcsCmd.xml /xml LcsCmd.exe /domain /action:CreateLcsOuPermissions /ou:CN=MyUsers /objectType:User LcsCmd.exe /server /action:Activate /role:SE /password:My$tr0ngPwd LcsCmd.exe /server /action:ExportServerConfig /role:SE /configFile:c:\HSConfig.xml LcsCmd.exe /server /action:ImportServerConfig /role:SE /configFile:c:\HSConfig.xml LcsCmd.exe /server /action:ImportServerConfig /role:SE /configFile:c:\HSConfig.xml /restore LcsCmd.exe /server /action:ExportServerConfig /role:EE /configFile:c:\FEConfig.xml LcsCmd.exe /server /action:ExportServerConfig /role:Proxy /configFile:c:\ProxyConfig.xml LcsCmd.exe /server /action:ExportServerConfig /role:AP /configFile:c:\EPConfig.xml LcsCmd.exe /forest /action:ExportPoolConfig /poolName:MyExportPool /configFile:c:\MyExportPoolConfig.xml LcsCmd.exe /forest /action:ImportPoolConfig /poolName:MyImportPool /configFile:c:\MyExportPoolConfig.xml LcsCmd.exe /forest /action:ExportGlobalConfig /configFile:c:\GlobalConfig.xml LcsCmd.exe /forest /action:ImportGlobalConfig /configFile:c:\GlobalPoolConfig.xmlBATCH MODE EXECUTIONS:
- /batch:{input file} Switches the execution to batch mode. Specifies the input XML file to use for the actions and parameters.
- /forest[:FQDN] Executes the action for the specified forest. If no fully qualified domain name (FQDN) is specified, current forest is used.
- /domain[:FQDN] Executes the action for the specified domain. If no FQDN is specified, current domain is used.
- /server[:FQDN] Executes the action for the specified server machine. If no FQDN is specified, current machine is used.
CheckSchemaPrepState: Checks Live Communications (LC) Active Directory (AD) schema state. SchemaPrep: Prepares LC AD schema by uploading LCS schema extensions. Uses the optional /ldf parameter. CheckForestPrepState: Checks whether forest was prepared to host LC. ForestPrep: Prepares the forest to host LC. ForestUnprep: Removes the preparation from forest to host LC. Also uses the optional /force switch. CheckAllDomainsPrepState: Checks all domains in the forest whether they were prepared to host LC. CheckAllPoolsState: Lists all pools in a forest. CheckPoolState: Checks the pool's state. Requires the /poolname parameter. CreatePool: Creates a pool for LCS Enterprise Edition servers in the forest. Requires the /poolname, /refdomain, /poolbe, /dbdatapath and /dblogpath parameters. Also uses the optional /dbsetupfilepath parameter and /clean switch. RemovePool: Removes a pool from the forest. Requires the /poolname parameter. Also uses the optional /force and /keepdb switches. UpdatePoolBackend: Updates the backend for a pool. Requires the /poolname and /poolbe parameters. ExportPoolConfig: Exports the pool-level configuration (shared between all front ends). It requires /poolName and /configFile. ImportPoolConfig: Imports the pool-level configuration (shared between all front ends). It requires /poolName and /configFile. ExportGlobalConfig Exports the global-level configuration. It requires /configFile. Giving an FQDN after /forest switch is not supported (it always takes the setting from the current forest.) ImportGlobalConfig Imports the global-level configuration. It requires /configFile. Giving an FQDN after /forest switch is not supported (it always applies the setting to the current forest.)DOMAIN ACTIONS:
CheckDomainPrepState: Checks whether domain was prepared to host LC. DomainPrep: Prepares the domain to host LC. DomainUnprep: Removes the preparation from domain to host LC. Also uses the optional /force switch. CheckDomainAddState: Checks whether domainadd preparation was done on a domain for another domain. Requires the /refdomain parameter. Also uses the optional /usersonly switch. DomainAdd: Performs domainadd preparation on a domain for another domain. Requires the /refdomain parameter. Also uses the optional /usersonly switch. DomainRemove: Removes domainadd preparation on a domain for another domain. Requires the /refdomain parameter. Also uses the optional/usersonly and /force switch. CheckLcsOuPermissions: Checks whether permissions for LCS groups were set on the specified container for user, contact, inetOrgPerson or computer type objects. Requires /ou and /objectType parameters. /ou parameter specifies the container DN relative to the domain root container DN. /objectType parameter is used to specify the type of objects to verify the LCS permissions on. Also uses the optional /refDomain parameter. If /refDomain is specified, the LCS groups on this reference domain are used to verify the permissions instead of the LCS groups on the context domain. CreateLcsOuPermissions: Creates permissions for LCS groups on the specified container for user, contact, inetOrgPerson or computer type objects. Requires /ou and /objectType parameters. /ou parameter specifies the container DN relative to the domain root container DN. /objectType parameter is used to specify the type of objects to create the LCS permissions on. Also uses the optional /refDomain parameter. If /refDomain is specified, the LCS groups on this reference domain are used to create the permissions instead of the LCS groups on the context domain. RemoveLcsOuPermissions: Removes permissions for LCS groups on the specified container for user, contact, inetOrgPerson or computer type objects. Requires /ou and /objectType parameters. /ou parameter specifies the container DN relative to the domain root container DN. /objectType parameter is used to specify the type of objects to remove the LCS permissions from. Also uses the optional /refDomain parameter. If /refDomain is specified, the LCS groups on this reference domain are used to remove the permissions instead of the LCS groups on the context domain.SERVER ACTIONS:
CheckLCServerState: Checks a server's state and role as an LC Server. Activate: Activates a machine as a LC Server. Requires the /role, /user and /password switches. /poolname parameter is required if the role is specified as 'EE'. /backend and /dbname parameters are required if the role is specified as 'Archiving'. Also uses the optional /unregspn and /nostart switches. /archserver and /queuename parameters can be used to activate IM Archiving Agent together with the server (when the role is 'EE', 'SE' or 'Proxy') and are optional. Deactivate: Deactivates a server activated as an LC Server in its domain. Also uses the optional /force switch. ExportServerConfig: Exports the machine-level configuration. It requires /role and /configFile. ImportServerConfig: Imports the machine-level configuration. It requires /role and /configFile. Also uses the optional /restore switch. When /restore switch is not specified or it is 'false' it only imports the classes that don't contain machine-specific information. Otherwise it will try to import everything. In order for the restore operation to succeed you need to make sure that all the machine specific settings from the XML file are valid. For example, the certificates that were configured when the ExportServerConfig was run need to exist and still be valid on the machine where the import happens.
if i add a new user and don't want to wait a day for him to be available. is there an LCSCMD syntax or process that i can run? I can't remember the syntax.
ReplyDeleteif i add a new user and don't want to wait a day for him to be available. is there an LCSCMD syntax or process that i can run? I can't remember the syntax.