windows phone 8 for business

i have spent most of this morning listening to the windows phone summit keynote in the background. i started paying a lot more attention when the windows phone 8 for business part came up. it's not too awful. this speaker is pretty good!


if you missed the video, it's located here:

the stuff for business (as in manageability, encryption, etc) starts ~28 minutes in. big news is the windows phone and windows 8 os share a common core, thus providing some really interesting benefits. here are the key items:

  • complete security platform: encryption and secure boot covered by bitlocker
  • flexible app distribution: signed applications deployed by internal application store instead of marketplace (think sideload-esque) supporting on-premise intranet or cloud
  • device management: covered by the same technologies that manage windows os
  • deep voip integration: skype or cell looks identical -- could mean reduced minutes plan
  • company hub: company-personalized application to highlight apps, provide news, provide alerts, self-service profile capability

by the way, the consumer video demo around ~1:03 is REALLY cool. the other demo around ~1:25 is pretty cool, too. the current inrix app, by the way, is pretty stellar for traffic information.


  1. But where is the powershell. Sadly I just bought a Lumia 900 and all I get is the new start screen.

    1. word. that'd have been a nice integration. since it shares a common core though, it's feasible an app could be developed to do just that.

    2. That would be very interesting.


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