sms: advanced client policies takes a long time to apply

after you tell an advanced client to retrieve policies, you may notice there's a little bit of a delay from retrieval to application. microsoft is instilling the value of patience by forcing a two-minute delay between these steps. here's jeff's response on the myitforum mailing list thread:
Don't forget that there is a built in two minute delay between when a client downloads a new policy and evaluates/applies it. This delay is by design in case there are a lot of policies that need to be downloaded before the client starts compiling them. ~Jeff

as an update, phil wilcock wrote up this blog entry noting how to remove the two minute delay. basically, you want to compile a mof which changes the wmi settings on the client. here's the contents:


#pragma namespace("\\\\.\\root\\ccm\\policy\\machine\\Requestedconfig")
instance of CCM_PolicyAgent_Configuration
    PolicySource = "Local";
    PolicyDownloadMethod = "BITS";
    PolicyEnableUserGroupSupport = true;
    PolicyRequestAssignmentTimeout = 65;
    PolicyTimeUntilAck = 43200;
    PolicyTimeUntilExpire = 86400;
    AuthorityName = "SMS:XXX";
    PolicyTimeUntilUpdateActualConfig = 0;   
