mom: trimming noise...

here are three queries that i usually use to help isolate noise. generally, i run these about once a week to see what's going on. anyway, it's pretty cool to see what kind of events/performance data is coming in, what the highest offenders are, etc. two of these will look very familiar (since they come with your mom installation). alerts:
SELECT  TOP 10 [Name],count(TimeRaised) AS 'AlertCount' 
FROM  SDKAlertView
ORDER BY 'AlertCount' DESC

SELECT  TOP 10 [Name],sum(RepeatCount) AS 'AlertCount-Suppressed'
FROM  SDKAlertView
ORDER BY 'AlertCount-Suppressed' DESC
SELECT  CONVERT(char(10), TimeGenerated, 101) AS 'Events Date (by Day)',
  COUNT(*) AS 'Number of Events', Message
FROM  SDKEventView 
GROUP BY CONVERT(char(10), TimeGenerated, 101), Message
ORDER BY 'Events Date (by Day)' DESC 

SELECT  NTEventID, COUNT(*) AS 'Number of Events', Message
FROM  SDKEventView 
GROUP BY NTEventID, Message
ORDER BY 'Number of Events' DESC
SELECT  Top 100 PerformanceCounterName, COUNT(*) 
FROM  SDKPerformanceView 
GROUP BY PerformanceCounterName
ORDER BY count(*) desc
