ds: old run history is cluttering your database...
and maybe you did or didn't know it. when this happens and you accumulate run history, some not so good stuff happens. for one, the database grows to proportions that should be saved for real space hogs like mom reporting servers. :)
the second problem is that if you have to get rid of the agent for any reason, it will first want to remove all associated run histories. if you have too many of them, this operation can make trips to grandma's house short by comparison. to keep that stuff under control, you can go into the identity manager console and delete it (actions | clear runs). imagine if you could clear all your runs like that... no embarrassing moments taking the donkey down the grand canyon. anyway, you have to do this manually to keep stuff under control. if that isn't your bailiwick, may i suggest...
the more graceful approach of using miisclearrunhistory.exe? using this command-line tool, it's just a matter of a few switches to keep your miis database trimmed down. you can find it in your miis resource kit. i had never heard of it until an acquaintance mentioned it to me. anyway, you can get it all setup just by doing something like this:
miisclearrunhistory.exe /pr: <# of days to retain> /ythat's it! of course, there are some other switches like date, time, credentials, logs, etc. not real useful if you're running it as a scheduled job though (except maybe saving the execution history to a specified file name).
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