ds: compacting the wins database...

i have been terrible about compacting the wins database. i think about it so infrequently. it's definitely the last thing on my mind. well, according to microsoft, you should compact your wins database when it grows over 30mb. well, it's time. if you want details on jetpack, here's the article. otherwise, here's a short summary:
  1. navigate to %systemroot%\system32\wins
  2. stop the wins service: net stop wins
  3. run jetpack: jetpack wins.mdb tmp.mdb
  4. start the wins service: net start wins
tmp.mdb can be named anything. it's used to replace the existing file when it finishes. i'm seeing about a 50% reduction in size when i do this. coincidentally, it's the same thing for dhcp except you point it to %systemroot%\system32\dhcp and the dhcp.mdb file. i wrote up this little script to use in mom. depending on the parameters you give, it will check either the wins or the dhcp database to see if it's above 30mb. if it is, it'll create an event. the parameters you need are:
  • Database Type
  • LogSuccessEvent
for database type, you specify either wins or dhcp. logsuccessevent ... well... logs events if it is successful as well. :) view this is in internet explorer. firefox truncates the lines when i use "pre" tags. watch for word wrap as well. here it is anyway:
'NAME        : MOM_WINSDHCP.vbs
'AUTHOR        : Marcus C. Oh
'DATE        : 12/28/2006
'COMMENT    : Checks the WINS or DHCP database file size to determine if it
'             needs to be compacted.

' Standard Event Type Numeric Values

sComputer = "."

Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
sSystemRoot = oShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%SystemRoot%")
sSystemRoot = Left(sSystemRoot,InStr(sSystemRoot,"\")) & Mid(sSystemRoot,InStr(sSystemRoot,"\"))

'Retrieve MOM script parameters -------------------------------------------
sType = ScriptContext.Parameters.Get("Database Type")
bLogSuccessEvent = CBool(ScriptContext.Parameters.Get("LogSuccessEvent"))

If LCase(sType) = "dhcp" Then
ElseIf LCase(sType) = "wins" Then
CreateEvent 41004,EVENT_TYPE_WARNING,"WINS_DHCP Script","Incorrect script parameter.  Please specify either DHCP or WINS."
End If

'Check the WINS database file size ----------------------------------------
Sub WINSCheck
If oFSO.FileExists(sSystemRoot & "\system32\wins\wins.mdb") Then
   Set oWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & sComputer & "\root\cimv2")
   Set cFiles = oWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from CIM_Datafile Where name = '"& sSystemRoot & "\\system32\\wins\\wins.mdb'")

   For Each oFile in cFiles
       If oFile.FileSize > 31450287 Then
           CreateEvent 41006,EVENT_TYPE_ERROR,"WINS_DHCP Script","WINS.MDB needs to be compacted.  Current size: " & oFile.FileSize & " bytes."
           If bLogSuccessEvent Then
               CreateEvent 41005,EVENT_TYPE_INFORMATION,"WINS_DHCP Script","WINS.MDB does not need to be compacted.  Size is " & oFile.FileSize & " bytes."
           End If
       End If
End If
End Sub

'Check the WINS database file size ----------------------------------------
Sub DHCPCheck
If oFSO.FileExists(sSystemRoot & "\system32\dhcp\dhcp.mdb") Then
   Set oWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & sComputer & "\root\cimv2")
   Set cFiles = oWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from CIM_Datafile Where name = '"& sSystemRoot & "\\system32\\dhcp\\dhcp.mdb'")

   For Each oFile in cFiles
       If oFile.FileSize > 31450287 Then
           CreateEvent 41006,EVENT_TYPE_ERROR,"WINS_DHCP Script","DHCP.MDB needs to be compacted.  Current size: " & oFile.FileSize & " bytes."
           If bLogSuccessEvent Then
               CreateEvent 41005,EVENT_TYPE_INFORMATION,"WINS_DHCP Script","DHCP.MDB does not need to be compacted.  Size is " & oFile.FileSize & " bytes."
           End If
       End If
End If
End Sub

'Standard event subroutine for MOM ----------------------------------------
Sub CreateEvent(iEventNumber,iEventType,sEventSource,sEventMessage)
Set oEvent = ScriptContext.CreateEvent()
oEvent.EventNumber = iEventNumber
oEvent.EventType = iEventType
oEvent.EventSource = sEventSource
oEvent.Message = sEventMessage
ScriptContext.Submit oEvent
End Sub
