PowerShell: Updating Terminal Services Profile Information
If you’ve done any dabbling in the AD cmdlets and attempted to update terminal services information, you’ll hit a wall with the traditional cmdlets. Why? Well, simply, what you see in AD Users and Computers is not the way the values are actually stored, as Ed explains.
Well, luckily, it turns out it’s not that hard. I was asked to come up with a process to update the profile path. This is a sample of what I ended up with:
$PathValue = <myUserPath>
$myUser = "myUserName" $User = [ADSI]LDAP://$((Get-AdUser $myUser).distinguishedname) $User.psbase.invokeset("TerminalServicesProfilePath",$PathValue) $User.setinfo()
Back to the Scripting Guys’ script, here is a function that shows the possible values that can be modified:
function SetTSProperties() { $ou = [adsi]"LDAP://ou=mytestou,dc=nwtraders,dc=com" $user = $ou.psbase.get_children().find($userDN) $user.psbase.invokeSet("allowLogon",1) $user.psbase.invokeSet("TerminalServicesHomeDirectory",$hDirValue) $user.psbase.invokeSet("TerminalServicesProfilePath",$ppValue) $user.psbase.invokeSet("TerminalServicesHomeDrive",$hdValue) $user.setinfo() } #end SetTSProperties
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