opalis: blank entries in log and log history

ran into a problem today with opalis.  I had checked in a policy I was working with for testing and left it on overnight.  I came in the next day and found that it didn't work like I had expected.  I checked out the policy and tested it to make sure it was working.  it did exactly what I expected.

I checked it again and started.  this is when I noticed something strange.  neither the log nor the log history had any information in it. usually, it would look something like this screenshot:


I checked my lab environment and found the same thing.  I spent a few cycles reading logs, manuals, etc believing that I had missed a step setting it up somewhere or inadvertently turned something off.  I ran across an access denied error that I quietly shuffled to the back for now.  to rule out the ois client, I tried using the operator console.  that didn't work either.

I checked the services on the server to see if it was started.  that's when I found that the opalisactionservice wasn't started.  (as for the mystery to the operator console, I completely forgot to set the operator console to the https://myserver:8443 port after securing the web install.  it was working just fine.) :/

anyway, oddly enough, it was stopped in my lab and dev environment.  I fired it up in the lab and stuff started working just fine!  I tried the same thing in dev... not so much.  it began to start and then dropped the hex bomb!

"error 0x80004005: unspecified error"

this lead to a hotfix article titled "error 0x80004005: unspecified error" returned when starting opalisactionservice service".  convenient.  this suggested that the problem was most like related to permissions to the database.  remembering the error in the log I saw earlier, I tied this together.  I went back to the opalisactionservice log and pulled up the details in it.  looked like this:

Process ID: 1792
Version :
Computer : OpalisDev
User : myDomain\myOpalisActionDev

2010-09-16 16:02:48 [292] 1 DBDataStore: ::Exception caught in long __stdcall CODBDataStore::GetActionServers(unsigned short *,struct tagVARIANT *):
long __stdcall CODBDataStore::GetActionServers(unsigned short *,struct tagVARIANT *)
<Param>IDispatch error #3081</Param>
<Param>The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'ACTIONSERVERS', database 'Opalis', schema 'dbo'.</Param>

2010-09-16 16:02:48 [292] 1 DBDataStore: ::Error #-2147217911
Description: The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'ACTIONSERVERS', database 'Opalis', schema 'dbo'.
Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server

2010-09-16 16:02:48 [292] 1 Exception caught in long __thiscall COpalisActionService2Module::PreMessageLoop(int) throw()
void __cdecl ActionServerRegistrar::registerActionServer(void)
<Param>Unspecified error</Param>

I asked my database admin friend to have a look over the permissions to verify they were correct, having remembered that there was some shuffling around recently.  after reviewing the permissions, he did find a problem.  the action account had been granted schema ownership instead of role members.  oops!  this is what was applied:

and what should have been applied:


anyway, just thought I'd share in case you see this problem.
