misc: dsquery vs powershell...
as a part of trying to familiarize myself with powershell, i figured converting some of my favorite dsquery commands to it would be as good of a measure as any. the problem was, i had a hell of a time figuring it out! thankfully, hal was nice enough to help out...
in order to get displayname and streetaddress from dsquery, you'd use a command like this:
dsquery user -samid myUser | dsget user -displayoh wait a second... there is no switch for streetaddress. all you'll get is something like this:
display My User (Test)let's try that again...
dsquery * -filter "(&(objectcategory=person)(samaccountname=myUser))" -attr displayname streetaddressin my case, i have multiple lines in my streetaddress attribute, which throws off the entire format. this is something i wanted to avoid so i seeked powershell as the answer (instead of writing a vbscript to handle it.)
displayname streetaddress My User (Test) 2000 My Test Avenue Suite 200here's how you'd pull the information from powershell (providing you use the quest add-ons)...
get-qaduser testdomain\myUser | format-table displayname,streetaddress
DisplayName StreetAddress ----------- ------------- My User (Test) 2000 My Test Avenue...already much better. however, the street address is truncated. so let's try again.
get-qaduser testdomain\myUser | format-table -wrap displayname,streetaddressnow we get the full street address, but as you can see, the cr/lf is carried over. to get rid of it, we'll insert a replace statement.
DisplayName StreetAddress ----------- ------------- My User (Test) 2000 My Test Avenue Suite 200
get-qaduser testdomain\myUser | format-table -wrap displayname,@{label = "StreetAddress";expression = {$_.streetaddress -replace "`n",", "}}resulting in this much nicer formatted version...
DisplayName StreetAddress ----------- ------------- My User (Test) 2000 My Test Avenue, Suite 200
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