mom: antigen retrieve update number script noise...
if you've got the antigen management pack deployed, you might be seeing a lot of irritating noise that looks similar to this message:
WARNING: are engine was not found on [servername]. Update number could not be retrieved.a little bit of investigation in the script, prompts this joyful discovery. as it turns out, the script has no provision for logging/not logging errors that may occur. the only parameter that changes logging effect is one to log to text. apparently these events aren't very important since there are no corresponding alerts. :| hmmm. since it's generating quite a bit of event noise, i decided to shut off this behavior. this was easy enough. in the code block below, you'll see where i simply commented the line that writes the mom event. it's on line 81.
... 'If Update number is null, the engine was not found in the registry If IsNull(UpdateNumber) or UpdateNumber = "" Then WriteLog "WARNING: " & EngineName & " engine was not found on " & ScriptContext.TargetComputer ' WriteMOMEvent "WARNING: " & EngineName & " engine was not found on " & ScriptContext.TargetComputer & ". Update number could not be retrieved.", 2, Null ScriptContext.Quit End If that word wrap... hope that helps!
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